Sunday, June 29, 2008


My pastor rocked this morning! I know at the 9:30am service it was dead silent, so you know there was some good preachin' goin on! Plus our worship leader wrote (yet another) amazing song, my friend went to the 11:15 service and she said people were crying everywhere-perfect. Listen to our current series! And keep checking back for today's message. Mike you're awesome!

I am leaving for Trinidad in a week, I have tons to do before then and have been eating WAY too much sushi, every time a friend wants to go to dinner-they always suggest sushi and I can't say no to that! I am going to see fireworks tonite at the YMCA-fireworks are awesome. Please pray for my missions trip! God has REALLY been moving in my life lately, at work, at school, at the gym, even on vacation (the pic above is from our "sister trip"-we went to Medievel Times-it was great!), so I'm excited to see what He'll do in Trini!!!

1 comment:

MomGoinBonkers said...

yes Mikes sermon this morning was totally awesome and made me really think on how I treat others.

Looks like you all had a great time at the beach !