Friday, June 20, 2008


The new Coldplay CD rocks-FYI. Love it. I am having an AMAZING friday evening. I went to dinner w/the roomie at Mellow Mushroom and then proceeded to use almost an entire bottle of Resolve on a stain that has been on our living room floor for about 2 months, it went like this-I squeezed a grapefruit into a bowl and then sat it on the arm of our couch to drink while watching TV-I sat down and it flipped into the air and landed face down (grapefruit chunks and all) on the carpet, well it had been a long day at work and so instead of cleaning it up right away-I placed a towel over it. Well...after it had dried somewhat I removed the large chunks of grapefruit, but left the juice...two months later it turned black (roomie was NOT happy) uh oh. So this evening I sprayed it for a long time, and it worked! Roomie took a pic of my courageous endeavor and I wanted to share. Peace and love to all.

1 comment:

MomGoinBonkers said...

sorry hun,LOL come to my place and clean ! =)aa